Friday, March 23, 2012

Blesssings are chasing me down and overtaking me... yeah, you got me... :)

Well, the last several weeks have been intense, and challenging at best.  TRANSITION IS NOT EASY.  BUT it IS WORTHWHILE! 

In the midst of moving, selling things (many that should not have been sold, many that had to be that we would rather not have), and having many thousands of dollars of stuff stolen, I find it almost unbelievable.  And it's happened to ME and MINE!  I cannot imagine how ridiculous this could sound to someone else.

Anyway, I just can't live in that space... it happened, it sucked, it still often does and I do occasionally have a cry.  But not as many, phew!  That part is slowing down.  Now the reality of our new situation begins to unfold.  Where are the lids to my pyrex I got a bazillion years ago at our wedding?  Well, that's a good question.  Do we still have them?  I don't know, but the good news is that we were so inundated with pyrex, I can use some of it as a lid until we either find them, or get replacements.  And our old pots and pans are gone, but we were blessed with some beautiful factory seconds, brand new and hardly noticeable anything was not pristine.  Kind of funny, that I am so excited to have slightly (VERY slightly) damaged pots and pans (some don't look damaged at all...?) that are brand new, so I am less tense about the first scratch or nick.  When finances get a little less crazy (we were informed today we really need about $1,100 in repairs to our car, and medical stuff is ridiculous) I can purchase replacement lids for the pans, I think.  They came lidless.  Still, I HAVE AWESOME, EASY TO CLEAN POTS AND PANS!  WOO-HOO!  I was wanting new ones.  These are not what we will eventually have, but I am perfectly happy to have them until the day we get the professional set we would like.

I digress... I was going to talk about one of the items, nay TWO of the items I let go of in the move.  One on purpose, the other, not so much, but I wasn't thinking about that one anyway.  One item was a 9 cubby storage system.  I had just purchased it in November, after thinking about it for about a year.  I knew to purchase it, and get the fabric cubby drawers, it would run me about $120 at the min.  I finally just felt I had to bite the bullet and get it.  My kids were needing a sense of order to their toys, and with the layout of the large home we were living in, the toys kept making their way into the family room and ALL OVER.  I reasoned that if I were to purchase a cubby that was black, with tan drawers, it would actually look lovely in the room, and create order.  I LOVE ORDER.  I LOOOOOOOOOVE ORDER.  *happy sigh at thoughts of containers, shelves, labels, and all other forms of order... even filing systems... ahhhhh... *  So I went to our local Kmart, since Petaluma didn't have Target, or even WalMart, and got the cubby system and all the drawers they had in the color I wanted for that room.  Oh, I was so excited.  It was like Christmas, or something.  I then went online and ordered the other drawers to ship to store, and they were there THE NEXT MORNING!  Ah, heavenly!  I mean, other than I can hardly STAND entering that store and their layaway and ship to store section is RIGHT NEXT to the smelliest restrooms ever to "grace" a chain store.  I am not exaggerating... I was stomach turning, but well worth it... because I could leave once I found an employee willing to work.  haha  I assigned a toy type to each drawer.  The girls were having fun cleaning up after themselves and I was in a state of bliss.  Hmmm... I really like word.  I think I shall put it on my wall. 

BLISS: noun: supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss.  

How can we not maintain some semblance of bliss when we have such open access to our God, our King, our Savior?  REALLY!?!  I know life can get crazy... BELIEVE ME, I KNOW!  But He is our all in all... I could go on, but I will save this for another post.

And I did want to pause and say this... Have I mentioned lately what a wonderful man I married?  I cannot fathom this life, these things we have faced, nor the tremendous fun we can have, with anyone else.  And guess what?  Dinner just came in, served by the kindest, most loving, silly, goofy guy with the best laugh I have ever heard, big hearted, adoring man ever!  (I am related to some awesome men, but it would be weird to marry them, and it ain't Arkansas... haha)  I just wanted to brag on Jim for a sec.  HE ROCKS!  HE DA BOMB!  I LUBS HIM!!!  Okay, back to what I still haven't told you... ;)

So, I had to let go of my GORGEOUS, PRACTICAL, HANDY, ORDER-IFIC, MAKES ME SMILE cubby storage system.  Sniff... boo-hoo.  I found myself thinking about this wonderful tool to order, more and more often as we neared 5 weeks in this new resting place.  Ya know, if you are missing items within the first month, they are probably things you should have.  :)  I started to really miss having this item and wishing for another.  Looking around hoping for a deal, and knowing that the expenses we are contending with are just so high, we cannot truly justify the expense.  I NEED to be well.  I also need order.  But I NEED HEALTH MORE.  So I sat on my couch and said, "Lord, I need to replace that which I had to let go of.  I just cannot spend the money on it.  Would you please send me a new one?"  This was just earlier this week.  So a day, or maybe two goes by.  I have other things on my mind... and I get a text from my sis Rachael, my brother David's wife.  She wants to know if I want this brand new 9 cubby white storage deal with 4 green fabric drawers... UH, YEAH!  She had no idea, that I am aware, how I had prayed that as I don't believe I told anyone.  This is still in the box, brand new, and she easily could have either returned it or sold it, but she offered it to me.  She was using one and found two would likely be too much space used.  This did multiple things for me.  It reminded me that God loves me so much, and that what is important to me matters.  I matter.  I matter... I know I said it already.  I did that on purpose.  :)  It told me I need to remember to take my needs to Him.  It reminded me that Rachael loves me and my family, and that she supports us.  It made me feel remembered and cared for.  It took one thing off the table that I was trying to figure out. Lord, do we get one that matched the living room and have some toy storage in here, or do we put it in their room?  Well, although that set up would be able to go either way, it will go far better with what I want to do with their room over time.  So now I don't have to figure that out, and that is fabulous.  And it also gives me this sense of excitement, knowing that in the next little while, I will be able to start getting their room together a little more.  Granted, we still need the mattresses for them, but that will come.  The car told us this week that we had to wait, or we would be short a vehicle.  DARNIT!  But thankfully we had waited a bit, so though they are still using air mattresses, at least I can drive them to school!  I am so excited, I call to tell my mother.  Mom tells me she is giving the kids her table and chair that goes unused all the time in the playroom.  Now, there is only ONE chair, but I think it might be pottery barn, and if so we can likely get more.  Even if not, we can get another chair, or three, that are all different and have them painted different colors, and it will be so cute.  I don't believe my mom knew that I had been really wishing I had a table and chairs for them to use in their room either.  So YAHOO!  Double blessing and how exciting!

So here I am blogging about this blessing, having posted on my page a little prayer... 

Lord, I would like to somehow win theater tix for me and my eldest. Thank you! I shall go blog my thoughts now.

I also comment on a friend's page who saw the movie my daughter wants to see, and after hearing that she liked it, decided I did want to see it as I was suspecting.  I commented I wanted to see it with my daughter, but after the medical expense and car expense from today, we would have to wait, so we would.  :)  I honestly didn't think about it after that, I posted the prayer and came to share the blessing.  As I am doing my think, a chat chime indicates there is a message.  This friend (and she is just a fabulous person anyway, and I have always thought highly of her... wonder if she knows that...) said she would love to send us to the movies, and to let her know if I found a way we could do that online.... we don't leave anywhere near each other... I am so excited!  Once it is firmed up, I will tell my girl.  She will be so excited!   How wonderful!

I am going to sigh off... my next post will just be my prayer list/provision for this new place.  I will have it all in one place, and that way if anyone asks, I can just direct them here.  Also, I will remember to keep track of priorities.

Blessed... too blessed to be stressed... I will try to remember this.  :)


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