Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My take on "me time".

This was inspired by a blog I just read. You can see it here, if you like:

Motherhood is a blessing, and a joy. It is also the most challenging thing you can do, as you hold precious little lives in your hands. Molding and shaping their futures with your love and words of affirmation, and truth of who God is just happens to be the most noble calling there is. However, as important is cherishing time with your children, is setting appropriate boundaries, and maintaining who you are, as an individual. The person you are, as a wife and mother, stems from your core identity. Of course, if you don't build your core identity on the Rock, you have no foundation. I love so called "me time". This is time I take, every blue moon, where I reflect on my life, where we are, and were we are headed. It's time I take where I get to do something special for me (pedicures are often underrated, lol... my last was in August!) where I remember to appreciate myself. My children often get little rewards, treats, and special love moments. I love me too. Not to their exclusion, but to remember the person God created me to be, and show her love. I find it makes me appreciate my beautiful family more, when I give myself this gift of time. When I honor the roll of wife and mother... I think it is a matter of perspective. A healthy perspective makes "me time" a healthy, nurturing time. Sometimes I find my "me time" includes a little "her time" with one of my sweet girls, or "him time" with my amazing husband. Sometimes we all take a break for some extra special "we time". :)

Me Time can be good. As with most things, it depends on the proper perspective.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wake me up, before you go-go...

How about wake yourself up before you go-go, in my bed!

Well, I was sound asleep when Avalei started tossing and turning... I tried texting Jim, to no avail. (Not unusual... I often consider getting a landline with LOUD ringer because of this.) she then is upright. I feel her forehead, but it's fine. She starts bucking like a bronco, and whimpering. "Do you need to potty, do you feel like you're going to throw up (please God, nothing contagious... my niece or nephew could be here ANY time...)... does your tummy hurt?" Her head hits the mattress. Then she seems more distressed... I grab at her crotch... DANGIT! I run for the bathroom, banging on the wall as I go. I hear Jim finally respond... I get back to the whimpering three year old... she's barely awake and desperately trying to contain the flood she's unleashed, poor thing. But I've got a beach towel! I shove it under her and flip her onto part of it as I frantically sop up the mess. It began to hit me, how out of it I was, sound asleep for about an hour. Jim grabs a pull up, though I doubt she will need it now, and gets her back to bed. By now I'm slowing down yet as quickly as possible am stripping the bed. It actually went through the mattress cover, and everything! I feel bummed... my mattress has pee on it... then remember, I HAVE A FOAM TOPPER! Yeehaw, my mattress is unscathed. Phew! Everything is in the wash, thankfully the actual migraine has gone away... other than the after effects of grogginess and fatigue... and the 20 min whirlwind has ended. My
sheets smell like lavender, and I am hoping to go back to sleep.

I wonder if she will remember the only wetting accident she's had since going to panties at night... hope not. I'm not telling.