Monday, January 14, 2013

What creates value?

I am in awe of God's magnificence... HOW does He do what He does? I cannot fathom His Brilliance! He's absolutely Beautiful.

I began to think about what makes things valuable. My Father holds me in high regard. He sees me as extraordinarily and infinitely valuable.

So, I started to think about what gives things value. First, we think about the materials. What is it made of? What are WE made of? Dust of the earth, yeah... but He created us from scratch, and then breathed LIFE into us. From His lungs, He gave us life. From His heart, He created mankind. That's amazing.

Second, rarity, uniqueness, something nothing else is like. Our very DNA is unique to us. Nobody is like you. Nobody is like me. We are each ONE OF A KIND. Talk about a limited edition. ONLY ONE. Suddenly we see the value skyrocketing...

Third, what service can a particular item provide? We are all hand crafted, uniquely designed to serve a purpose that NOT ONE OTHER CAN. Some people carry similar giftings, or maybe some have a purpose, or calling, that can complement another, but not one is alike fully. That means nobody can replace you, and now you see your value is even greater.

Fourth, an emotional, or love attachment. Something contains sentimental value, or a person is dearly beloved, regardless of anyone's perceived faults. His love for you, the depths of the ocean cannot match. It is complete, and lacking nothing.

A year ago, we lost the majority of our belongings, and I was unable to do anything about it. A dress I'd worn as flower girl, in two weddings, and made by my mother... just the right size for my youngest, gone. If someone found it and offered it to me, though the value in a store would be $10-15, or so... I'd pay far more.

So fifth, is it replaceable... no? Higher value.

And sixth... what would you give for it, to keep or obtain it.

One more, number seven... appearance. Everybody appreciates things of beauty. Well, you were made in the image or likeness of God, and you were fearfully and wonderfully made. That's what makes you beautiful. (<---- you're welcome Abby... inside joke, tee hee)

You can see how your value is suddenly undefinable. You are irreplaceable. You are one of a kind. You are priceless, and in the efforts to secure YOU, God gave up His Son. His life, as recompense for yours. Nobody can do what you were created to do. Nobody can touch who YOU can touch. You were not a mistake or an accident. You were made for right here, right now, this very moment and moments to come. There is nobody, nor was, nor will be, who can take your place. Ever.

What do you intend to do with that? LIVE. To the fullest. Face every fear, and in doing so, disable it. Speak truth. Share joy. Choose hope. And most of all, show love. Truly represent the material you were crafted with. Your Father's heart, and very breath.

You hold infinite value. Honor who you are. The things that make you special. The things you can do, like nobody else can. Don't apologize for it! Embrace it, and celebrate it. Appreciate the beauty you carry in you.

In doing so, you will show how you value your Creator, by valuing His creation.

:) Have a wonderful day!

Ps, I just realized that a year ago, today, I started my blog. Wow... when I did, I was in a very difficult place. It hasn't been a fast process, but wow! I've come a long way! :)

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