Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sometimes hurt can provoke growth... it has for me.

A couple weeks ago my feeling were hurt by a couple people who don't know me well enough to know my real character.  It showed me another area I needed to grow in.  Not everyone will agree with me, or understand what and why I do things.  They won't always know the big picture, and sometimes they won't care either, actually.  I am not saying all this is the case with these individuals.  Although I did not like their approach, nor what they had to say (to completely different situations, just hit me all at the same time) and disagreed with them, they were not coming from a place of unkindness, nor do I believe their intent was coming from an ugly place.  The thing is, we are always going to encounter people and situations that make us upset, or rock our little worlds.  How will we handle them?  In the new direction I am going in professionally, one that was not intended but that I find I totally love, these situations showed me a couple things I needed to do to cover myself and make sure the people I am working with are well taken care of.  If what I am doing does not benefit the people I work with and for, then I am not interested in doing it.  Those of you who already know me, know that.  You know my intentions and desire to help.  Some of you are aware of my great desire to help others in business for themselves be as successful as they can possibly be, in keeping with their personal goals and dreams, of course.  As I grow, and heal too, I will be more exposed to more people.  Often people like me just fine, but there will be those that do not, or dislike my methods, or whatever.  Maybe they won't like my hair, or my voice, or something that is pretty insignificant overall.  Bottom line, I cannot allow those things to deter me.  I had that overwhelming feeling of wanting to just forget doing what I am doing, and realized that meant I was on the right course.  I implemented some new tools, as I realize what I am doing is taking off and creating relationship building and networking opportunities.  In addition, since I am getting a handle on how to charge for things, and getting minor kinks worked out... plus experience creates a greater ease, now I can incorporate fundraising into my little model here.  I can raise funds for causes that are important to me.  I can fuel connections within communities of commonality.  This is exciting!  In addition, I just read how loneliness damages your immune system.  With the Lyme disease stuff, I was too sick to have the regular people contact I need.  People often forget to make the effort to stay in touch... kind of an out of sight, out of mind sort of thing.  Often, they figure you are not well enough to have a little visit.  However, when everyone thinks that, you feel very alone.  This activity of mine is helping me connect with people, and find people who are like minded.  I am finding some really high caliber people I am blessed to associate with.  A win-win where we share different things with one another and learn from each other.  I feel very blessed.  I am interested in and excited to see what evolves as I win this lyme fight.  Even if under scrutiny, even when unfair situations come about, I am going to keep going.  Injustice makes me angry, but I will choose to allow myself to be angry about the situation, and keep that separate from the individual.  However, I will be very careful to disallow them from repeating the offense.  I do things and give of myself with all my heart... I don't hold back, don't have reserves, and put others before myself.  I have learned that does not mean I should not protect myself, as this is best for me and my family, but I choose not to be motivated by selfish desires.  When they rear up, I ignore them and make choices on what is good for those around me as long as it does not interfere with my personal integrity.  I think this is a good place to operate from.  Don't let situations (I am not going to say people, as I have chosen to believe that most people have good intentions and would not often choose to be hurtful or cause a situation that would make you feel badly) throw you off track.  Take what you can learn from them, if anything, and forge ahead.  Even if someone were deliberately trying to hurt or derail you, letting them do so is not the solution.  The people who need what you have to offer them won't go away just because you let go of your dream and focus... they will still be there needing what you have.  Put your ego and pride aside, or your hurt feelings, whatever it is... and focus forward.  Put your best out there all the time, but take care of yourself too.  I can look at those situations, made even harder because I really liked those people, and not feel the pang I felt when they happened.  This is huge for me, as it used to be more difficult.  Now on the flip side, what if you were a person who caused a painful situation, how could you make things better?  How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot?  Maybe you really think someone else is wrong about something, or you don't like how they do things... consider taking the high road.  We are not the character police and should lay aside judgements.  We usually do not know what other people are going through or contending with.  And we all have differente experiences and personalities.  Let us take these things into consideration when we make the decisions we do.

Blessings to you all. :)  Jen

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