Today I went and had my blood viewed under the microscope again, and I got to see the updated results. It looks like all the chemicals that were in my blood at the last visit, a month ago, are gone. This is great news. Also the information that indicated I was having liver issues, has seen improvement. I'm excited to see the liver issues beginning to clear. This will help me with my detoxing and my whole treatment process. I also saw more parasitic activity, which is a nasty thought, though most of us and probably all of us deal with it to some extent. I had some white blood cells that were actually moving, indicating that my new process is also improving somewhat. Laminated three oils were very evident, in good supply and that was encouraging. In addition my vitamin C levels were high and we're showing they were working and assist in my body and overcoming infection and other issues. The bacteria was still present but it seemed to also have improved, and that also is an encouraging sight. Last visit I was able to view the virus under the microscope that I was dealing with, and this time I didn't see one. I just got over a nasty bug, and it was neat to see that any signs of virus had been eliminated.
They were still signs of liver issues but I saw that it was improving, and signs of fungal issues that I believe are related to mold in the home we are living in. This tells me that the thoughts I'm having that we'll need to move are probably very accurate. This isn't a 100% indication, as it could be a variety of things, but considering the other facts, this looks like it might be true.
I also had an IV nutrition treatment today, which will help my body heal from this nasty bug we have. I'm glad I got it, though it is a bit costly. Well, that's an understatement. But, it feels like it was a necessary decision and I'm glad I made it.
One thing I will certainly do differently at the next visit, is avoid the cheesecake factory. The place is extraordinarily loud, there're too many people, and the music is just ridiculous. The food is okay, though a little more costly than I would expect. And to the menu is so extensive I could hardly make a decision. I didn't feel very ill and slightly confused and didn't know how it was going to make it home without getting sick. However, once in the car where was quiet and calmer, I began to feel much better.
This environment is clearly overstimulating, and not a place I need to go at this point in my life. It probably isn't much my scene anyway, and now I know better.
I am hoping that as I begin to feel better, I can prepare better and take food so I'm not purchasing out, because this is not what I had planned to do today, they don't want to waste any of my treatment money on Jude out. I would rather have something on hand, soup or salad or both, a piece of fruit, whatever. But I don't want to be wasting my money that I need for treatment on restaurants. I would rather have restaurants later when I feel good, and can really enjoy myself. It is nice though to be waited on, but I'd rather do it when I have energy and can deal with the environment and have the right people with me. The people I was with today were great company, don't get me wrong, that isn't what I mean.
Today my youngest, Avalei, had to join us as I couldn't find childcare. It was a very long day for her and at the very end, she threw a massive fit in the car. But other than that she did extraordinarily well and am really proud of her. She made it easier than I thought it would be, and I'm really glad. Although, she think she has to use the restroom all the time and then does hardly ever go. I was truly too exhausted to have to keep taking her, and I was grateful that Jaimee and my mom helped. At the time I went, it was very difficult because I was so depleted. I hope by next time I go, there is somebody who wants to hang out with my precious kiddo, so I can go and just focus on what I need to do and not have to worry about her. In addition, my mom comes with me, and she needs to be able to just focus on me and not have to split her attention with a child and me. Already difficult for my mom and she's concerned for me, and she sees how exhausted I am. I can't really imagine what would you like to be in her shoes, and I appreciate that she helped me with the baby, but I'd rather her not have to take on so much. I don't want her to burn out.
I'm sure I have more to say, but I'm using my voice on my iPhone to write this and Jim is asleep next to me. I don't want to bother him while he's trying to sleep, and I need to read my Bible and go to sleep myself. I am really tired and I need to get myself in a better schedule, but we did get home late and I sleep better once I've done something for me. Usually this means watching a little TV, reading a little bit, or just something that has nothing to do with children.
I have to say I count the stairs a good day, even though there were times it was really hard. I'm glad I went, and it was very encouraged by what we saw on my blood. Especially after having been so sick and feeling so weak, and even sometimes having difficulty getting into standing and walking position. I anticipate that as the next few weeks go by, I have some really good results, and better then we would normally expect. I believe that my body was made an image of God, and he is never sick. I am a warrior princess, micelles belong to a warrior princess and can do the job they were created to do. I refuse to buy into any lies that would say otherwise. I know it's God's Word says, it's my truth, regardless of the current facts I'm contending with and I know that my future is bright and glorious. When God's truth comes into play, the facts don't matter. His truth always prevails, and my life will be evidence of that. I absolutely and completely believe this. So I know that the next 36 years of my life are going to be better than the previous 36. I have so much potential, so much going for me, and so much the Lord has planned for my life and I am so excited to embrace that.
I refuse to bow to annualize that would indicate otherwise, that would be contrary to the word of God, and it would be contrary to the truth that I feel and know in my heart. My future is amazing, it is starting now, the tide is turning and my life is just truly beginning. And people who know me best know that when things go negatively, and go against what I know is true for my life, and I feel the enemy's attack coming after me, I just get mad and I get even by glorifying God and embracing all that he has for me. I also start praying extra for other people, and I figure that'll kick his tail. That loser. I guess it's pretty much lose lose, for him. Because he doesn't want me to do the things that I'm going to be doing so he tries stop me, but then I get mad, I get the fierce, and I get things done. Wrong girl to mess with. I so mean that. And I am going to laugh all the way to heaven (all the years between now and then) as my future changes people's lives, because I'm willing, and because I love seeing people step into the fullness of who they are, who God is, and freedom becoming the mantra of their lives.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So there! I plan to make all the years of the past, by living full out, and seeing people's lives changed so spectacularly, that the past won't even matter. God isn't limited by time, MySpace, my location, by age, by economics standing, by gender, buy anything. So I plan to see all the things that I had wanted to do in the past done regardless. And that just means that we'll be more concentrated because it's taken so long for me to be able to do so. But it doesn't matter, because God is never late, and his plan and purpose for my life is still in tact because I'm still here, AND HE IS STILL GOD.
Let freedom reign, let Him be glorified, and let me be whole and healthy.
Bless you all! Thanks for reading all of this. You're a trooper! :)
Xoxoxo, Jen
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