I don't know if I've mentioned this before, in this blog, but we are looking for another place to live. I believe this place has a mold issue, it's too large for me to handle at all, and it's too much for Jim after a long day at work. I really couldn't do a whole lot else in a smaller place either, but as it gets better, I'd like to do more. I love keeping my house up and making it nice and inviting, but on this magnitude it's going to be too much to manage.
In addition, we could save some money to use towards medical treatment, and things to do as a family, savings, and so on.
I am so sleepy right now, I can hardly keep my eyes open. In fact, I'm too tired to blog. Thankfully I can speak, and that's what I'm doing with my Siri feature on my iPhone. I love having this as an app. Otherwise, some of my blogs wouldn't get written.
I'm feeling a little bit torn, on whether we should look for single-family home, condo or townhome, or an apartment complex. There are many pros and cons to each option, and also location is an issue. We would love to stay in Petaluma, but to find a decent place and get the amenities that we're looking for, we may have to move to Rohnert Park. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed on numerous levels. I think when we find the place, we will know. I definitely want to have access to pool, as the summer would be much more enjoyable with that amenity available. And the kids would love it.
We will likely downsize substantially, and eliminate most of what we own. Having this feel like a ball and chain around my neck, ankles, arms, everywhere, does not help me heal. We must you eliminate all excess so we can breathe more freely, handle our household better, and just move forward with our lives without encumbrance. This is been a goal and dream of mine for quite some time. It is what I wanted to do before we actually moved here, but external circumstances changed my plans. This can't happen again. It has to happen.
Unfortunately, I'm so much more exhausted and weaker. Plus much of my support system is in our former location. So I don't know how this is going to come together, but it has to regardless. I'll be so glad when it happens, and I don't have to think about it anymore. It will bring such a sense of freedom, and this weight on my shoulders will come off. I wish I knew how to handle this better already. But, I don't. I just started to pray and ask the lord show me where we are supposed to be. I'm just going to trust that when I step foot on the property we are supposed to be in, I will know. I certainly hope so, as I'm just pooped out. I just want to have it done and starts settling in the new situation.
Even our girls are willing to downsize, which is good, because they don't have the option to choose. However they're willing, and that makes a big difference and encourages me. It also shows that we are so willing to work together for our common good as a family. I'm really proud of everybody, this hasn't been an easy road and I know that especially Abby is concerned for my well-being. I'm concerned for everybody I want to be sure to make sure that they are Lyme free.
If we move into an apartment, and hoping to find a fairly decent place. I've told the little girls that we might move into a vacation house for several months. Their experience with condos or apartment like buildings have been with our vacation ownership, where we go and stay at a community that is much like in an upscale apartment complex. I'm decided to look on this as an adventure, and when we're able to downsize substantially and make it work, wheelbuilders to do anything. It's a good benefit to our whole family, and will unload all the things that could interfere with any sudden changes that we might encounter. I suspect there may be one forthcoming, and I just want to be prepared. I don't even know what that means, and I could be wrong. If we are prepared for anything, we will just be able to flow and go and do whatever it is that the Lord calls us to do. And if he doesn't call us to some sudden change or move, we will at least be in the situation or closer easier, more comfortable, and more enjoyable. This will loosen up the money for us to have some extra help while I heal, some extra money for dining out, as needed. This will free up money for medical treatment so we can get through this more quickly, and clothing if the kids need some. Jim's income is substantial enough for is to stay in the situation were in, but it will be cutting it close for the high expenses we've been faced. In normal circumstances it would be plenty sufficient, and changing our output and increasing our ability to do things more quickly, and save more money, will benefit us all on the long run. It will also enable me to have my children tested to see if they've received the Lyme, or any co-infections, congenitally. I don't want them to start feeling sick and be sick for 20+ years before they get help. So I want to make sure we are all treated, and all healthy. We have things to do, being inhibited by extreme health issues is ridiculous. And not how we were created to live, as we were created in our Father's image. I hear He's never sick. ;)
Well, I'm so tired I want to fall asleep, but I think I am going to try to get downstairs and check the ceiling and see if the dark color on the ceiling is getting worse. I really think it's mold. And if it is, I am so out of here. Then we'll go look at the apartment, and the townhome, that we have made reservations to tour. Tomorrow we will take a look at this darling older home in downtown Petaluma. That is, of course, if I'm up to it after today's activities.
So blog, blog, blog… that's all, for now, folks!
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